Supply Lists
Supply List:
- 1- 1 inch binder (Labeled with Student Name)
- 1 kid scissors (Please label the package with Student's Name)
- 12 glue sticks
- 1 box of washable markers
- 2 dozen Ticonderoga Pencils
- 3- Container of Clorox Wipes
- 4 boxes of 24 Count Crayola Crayons
- 1 Ream White Copy Paper
- 1 Pencil Box (Standard Hard Plastic- Labeled with Student Name)
- 1 Package of Expo 4 Pack Fine Tip Markers
- 1 box of Kleenex
- 1 Green Plastic Folder with Prongs (Labeled with Student Name)
- 1 Pair of Headphones (Labeled with Student Name)
- 1 Breakaway Lanyard with Plastic Sleeve for Badge
- Girls- Box of Sandwich Baggies
- Boys- Box of Snack-size Baggies
Supply List for 2nd Grade
- 2 reams of copy paper
- 8 black dry-erase markers
- 2 boxes of #2 pencils
- 4 boxes of 24-count crayons
- 2 boxes of 10-count washable markers (no skinny)
- 2 boxes of colored pencils
- 1 plastic or tin pencil box (no pouches/ soft)
- 24 glue sticks
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 Highlighter
- 2 boxes of Kleenex
- 1 Clorox Wipes
- 2 Magic Erasers
- 1 pack of Baby Wipes
- 1 box of Ziploc bags (any size)
- Headphones (Labeled)
- ½ inch binder
- 2 Spiral notebooks
- 1 Composition notebook
- Black Sharpies
- Pack of Plastic Page Protector
Supplies Needed for 3rd Grade
**Please have supplies in by Tuesday, July 23rd**
1 pair of scissors
1 pencil box
2 reams (white copy paper)
5 composition books
2 dozen pre-sharpened Ticonderoga pencils
2 dozen glue sticks
2 boxes markers
2 boxes of colored pencils
2 boxes crayons
2 boxes of tissues
2 packs (8 count) of black, thin Expo markers
1 pack 5-tab pocket dividers
2-1 inch binder (with plastic sleeves)
2 pink pearl erasers
2 yellow highlighters
1 plastic yellow pocket folder
1 plastic red pocket folder
1 plastic green pocket folder
1 plastic blue pocket folder
2 Clorox wipes
1 pair of plug-in headphones/earbuds (for Chromebook)
Boys: hand sanitizer; 1 pack of brown lunch bags
Girls: quart or gallon-size Ziploc bags; 2 black Sharpie markers
Thank you for all of your support!
4th Grade Supply List
ALL STUDENTS: (Home Room - most items will become classroom community supplies)
- 1 - 1 inch binder with a front/back outside clear vinyl pocket - we place papers inside these pockets. This will be used to house the student's Agenda.
- 2 - Reams of White Copy paper**
- 1- pair of earbuds or headphones - to use with the Chrome Books
- 1 - Pack of Ticonderoga sharpened pencils
- 1 - Roll of paper towels (Mrs. Buchanan’s and Mrs. Bouda’s homerooms only)**
- 2 - Containers of Clorox wipes**
- 2- boxes of Kleenex
- 1 - bottle of hand sanitizer**
**May need additional items throughout the year.
Optional but Needed items:
- Girls - Ziplock baggies (quart or gallon size)
- Boys - Band-Aids
ELA - specific to this area
- 1 - binder that is 1 ½ inches thick with pockets and front outside clear vinyl pocket for ELA Notebook
- 2 - 100 page heavy-duty cardboard-cover wide-ruled composition books
- 1- pkg (5 sheet set) pocket dividers
- 1 - box of Crayola Markers (Mrs. Bouda’s class only)
- 1 - 5 pack of black dry-erase markers
- 2 - glue sticks
SOCIAL STUDIES/SCIENCE - specific to this area
- 2 - 70 page Wide - Ruled SPIRAL notebooks
- 2 - rolls of Scotch tape
- 1 - package of glue sticks
MATH - specific to this area
- 1 Composition book ~ 100 sheets Wide Rule
- 16- dry erase markers (black only)
- 1- box of (16) color pencils
- 1 - 8 pack of Crayola Markers
- 1 package of glue sticks
2024-2025 5th Grade Supply List
General 5th grade Student Supplies:
- Supply Pouch or case
- 1 in. 3-ring binder (with clear presentation view front for agenda
- 2 - 12 pack Ticonderoga Pencils
- 4 - Glue Sticks
- Scissors
- BLACK EXpo Markers
- 24 count Crayons
- 8 count Colored Pencils
- 12 pack of markers
- 1 ream of copy paper
- Earbuds(keep in backpack at ALL times)
- *Girls: Clorox Wipes
- *Boys: Tissues
- Computer corded mouse
- Bandaids all sizes
Math: (Paschke)
- 3 (1-Subject) RED COLLEGE RULED Spiral Notebook
- Erasers
- 1 RED Folder with pockets
Gifted Math:
- 1 (1 subject notebook)
2 ( Composition Books)
1 in. 3-ring binder (with clear presentation view front)
Wish List:
- Graph paper
6th GRADE (Including ALP) Supply List
Each student should have the following personal supplies in their backpack: Please note these items below are used daily!
- Earbuds (must plug into round port - NO BLUETOOTH) - every student must have their own working set at all times; needed for testing and WIN Time
- 1- 1 inch binder with
- 5- pocket folders or pocket dividers that can go into binder
- Pencil Pouch with all the following supplies:
- Pencils
- Scissors
- Highlighters (four colors)
- Colored pens- flair pens,
- Colored pencils, markers or crayons
For Bray and Kelly ELA:
- (1) spiral notebook (Bray)
- (1) pack of lined 4X6 note cards (Bray & Kelly)
- Colored printer paper
- (1) Post-It sticky notes
General Supplies are to be given to the Homeroom Teacher
- (2) packages of copy paper
- (1) package of lined paper
- (3) boxes of Ticonderoga pencils
Pink pearl erasers - (8) dry erase markers
- (6) glue sticks
- (2) large containers of Clorox wipes
- (2) boxes of Kleenex
- (2) rolls of tape
- Snack-size candy bars, Jolly Ranchers, hi-chews, lollipops (for rewards)
Highland Park Elementary Advantage Preschool Supply List:
Supplies that go back and forth:
1 FULL SIZE backpack
1 change of clothes and shoes in a zip lock bag with their name on it
1 water bottle with your child's name in it
1 plastic folder with your child's name on it
Supplies that stay at school:
1 plastic pencil box with your child's name on it
1 pack of jumbo glue sticks – 3 count
1 pack of washable markers – 10 count
2 pack of crayons- classic size – 16 count
1 disinfectant wipe canisters
2 bottles of hand soap
2 reams of copy paper
1 box of tissues
1 can of playdough
Girls - 1 bottle of hand sanitizer
Boys - 1 ream of white card stock
Girls – 1 box of quart-size bags
Boys - 1 box of sandwich-size storage bags
Optional: baby wipes, white lunch bags, greeting card size envelopes-self-sealing preferred
Kindergarten Supply List 2024-2025
All Students – community supplies, no names please, except scissors
We know it seems picky that we put brand names, but we do it because the quality is much better, the supplies are easier to use, and they last much longer. Thank you so much!
- 3 – reams of white copy paper
- 2 – white three-ring binders with a clear cover – ½ inch size, please
- 1 – pack of Ticonderoga #2 pencils
- 2 – boxes of 24-count Crayola crayons (NOT washable please)
- 1 – pair of scissors (child’s name written with Sharpie on the blade)
- 1 – pack of 4 skinny black dry-erase markers
- 4 – jumbo or giant Elmer’s glue sticks
- 1 – pack of colored highlighters
- 2 – boxes of Crayola 12-count colored pencils
- 1 – ream of white cardstock
- 1 – box of tissues
- Disinfectant wipes (any brand)
- 1 – pack of black cardstock
- 1 – box of quart-sized Ziploc bags
- Package of 2oz cans of PlayDoh
- 1 – pack of brown cardstock
- 1 – box gallon-sized Ziploc bags
- 1 – box magic erase markers (any brand)
If you would like to donate anything else, here are some various needs we have. You can also check with your child’s teacher for any specifics. Thank you!
- 1 pack of round 1” reward stickers (not the tiny ones please)
- Treasure box items from the dollar store/sections
- Crayola washable markers
- Skin tones crayons, colored pencils, markers
- Whiteboard cleaner
KPrep is an exciting year with many new skills and concepts. The following items are supplies that are recommended. These supplies are community property and will be shared by both programs, therefore please do not label them with names.
All Students
- 3 – reams of white copy paper
- 1 – plastic folder labeled with your child’s name
- 2 – boxes of 24-count Crayola crayons (NOT washable please)
- 1 - box of Crayola markers
- 1-2 - Crayola brand watercolors
- 2 – packs of 4 skinny black dry-erase markers
- 4 – jumbo or giant Elmer’s glue sticks
- 1 – box of colored pencils
- 1 – ream of white cardstock
- 1 – box of tissues
- 1 - box of magic erasers (any brand)
- Disinfectant wipes (any brand)
Boys Girls
- 1 – box of sandwich-sized Ziploc bags 1 – pack of brown cardstock
- 1 – box of quart-sized Ziploc bags 1 – box of gallon-sized Ziploc bags
All students should bring a full-size backpack to school every day ~ if names are written on them we recommend writing on the inside for your child’s safety. Please NO wheels. Please place a Ziploc bag containing a change of clothing, labeled with their name, in their backpacks in case of an emergency.
We are so excited for the school year to get underway, and can’t thank you enough for your help with school supplies. All classes go through them quickly – and especially the littles!
Thank you again for your support!
Mrs. Wendt
Mrs. Lange’s Functional Academic SCILLS
Voluntary School Supply List- Grades K-2
Dear Families,
I am looking forward to a new and exciting school year. Here is a recommended list of school supplies for your child:
- Backpack
- 1 box 8-count Large Crayons
- Pencil Box
- Grooming Supplies (grooming box or pencil box with toothbrush, toothpaste, and brush or comb)
- Fiskar Scissors
- Flushable Toilet Wipes
- Disinfectant Wipes
- Individual Water Bottle (to bring and take home daily)
- ABC Magnetic Letters Numbers Alphabet ABC 123, example:
Below is a list of basic supplies for our classroom. All donations are voluntary.
- 1 Ream of Multi-Colored Printing Paper (no construction paper)
- 1 Ream of copy paper
- Play-Doh- (this brand only)
- White Board Markers
- Gallon-size Ziplock bags
- Quart size Ziplock bags
- Facial Tissue
- Flushable Toilet Wipes
- Disinfectant Wipes
- Hand Sanitizer
Mrs. Mitchell’s Functional Academic SCILLS
Supply List- Grades 3-4
- 2 boxes tissues
- 1 plastic folder
- 1 package of baby wipes
- 1 bottle of hand sanitizer
- white paper plates
- paper bowls
Mrs. Kelley’s Functional Academic SCILLS
Supply List- Grades 5-6
- 2 boxes of tissues
- 1 package of dry-erase markers- any color
- 1 dry eraser
- 2 boxes of crayons
- 1 container of disinfectant wipes
- stickers
- coloring books
- small items for the treasure box
- 1 ream of white copy paper
- black cardstock
- white cardstock
- Kindergarten= box of tissues
- 1st Grade= box of Crayola 24 ct crayons
- 2nd Grade= box of Crayola broad line markers
- 3rd Grade= box of Crayola colored pencils
- 4th Grade= Box of ultra-fine point black Sharpies
- 5th Grade= Box of Ticonderoga pencils
- 6th Grade= Box of Black Fine Point Sharpies
- Kindergarten-2nd-copy paper
- 3rd-Hand Sanitizer or Kleenex
- 4th-6th grade-Clorox Wipes
- K- Tissues
- 1st & 2nd - Tissues
- 3rd to 6th - Pool noodles
- K - 6th: Tissues, Clorox wipes
- AA batteries, and Gaffers Tape for sound system cords ~ Gaffers Tape
- 5th - 6th: Tissues, Whiteboard markers,
- Amazon gift cards (for additional bass stools)
- Tissues or hand sanitizer (Purell clear only)
- *Tissues
- *Hand sanitizer—I will need a lot this year!
- *Copy paper
- *Baby wipes
- *Clorox wipes
- *Washable Crayola markers
- *Stickers: a variety of stickers including water bottle stickers!
- *Prize box items (example)